Statutory Training ourses

Statutory Training ourses

Statutory training is fundamental to any business. Where a statutory body has dictated that an organisation must provide training based on legislation. The purpose of statutory training is to ensure that statutory training helps employees maintain a safe and healthy...
Designing a training programme for employees

Designing a training programme for employees

An effective employee training programme can have wide-ranging benefits for your business. But how do you go about building one? Here are the key steps to follow for maximum success. Identifying your training goals The first step in designing a training programme for...
Keeping our Care workers safe through Covid-19

Keeping our Care workers safe through Covid-19

In just two months, since the outbreak of Covid-19, Knights Absorb has trained over 2000 care workers in crucial life-saving skills. This training has provided vital knowledge for support staff to both care and save the lives of vulnerable residents in Care Homes...
How to motivate your staff to learn

How to motivate your staff to learn

A survey has found that a third of UK employees have negative attitudes towards learning. And yet with a national shortage of skilled workers, fostering a culture of learning is more important than ever. So how can employers increase employees’ interest in...